Who we are

Our branch is part of District 6 of the New York State AAUW system.  Within District 6 are five Long Island branches.

We are governed by our board, which is composed of an executive committee, study/action group chairs, committee chairs and the directors.  All members of the board of directors are expected to attend board meetings.  A quorum is declared when a majority of the elected officers are present.

The executive committee consists of the elected officers of the branch.  These include the president, program vice president, membership vice president, treasurer, recording secretary, corresponding secretary and the five directors.

Our branch has several committees, including audit, branch meetings, programs, hospitality, bulletin, Facebook page, fellows luncheon, finance, inter-branch representative, installation, NCCWSL, nominating, public policy, student loan fund and website.

All members are welcome to join any committees that interest them.

We are an active branch with several study groups.  These are art, bridge, day literature, evening literature, music, perspectives, Great Decisions, political action (NOSH) and travel. These groups meet on Zoom on a set schedule and are open to all who would like to join.

Meetings dates and times are published in our monthly bulletin, which is sent out regularly online to all members and potential members.  You can have your name added to our mailing list by contacting our editor, Vivian Valvano Lynch, who can be reached at 516-627-8732 or at vivianvalvanolynch616@gmail.com.  Notices of upcoming meetings should be sent to Vivian as well.

For information about membership, please contact our Membership VP, Julie Loven, at jal.wtl@verizon.net, or call 516-352-0840.