About our Branch

The North Shore Branch offers a variety of study groups and programs that provide intellectual stimulation, entertainment and camaraderie.  We also fundraise for AAUW National funds and support efforts to fulfill our mission to advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.

We invite you to join our study groups and related activities.
Here is our listing for the month. You might want to check periodically to see if any new events or activities have been scheduled.  Click on Upcoming Events in the navigation bar above for information about each program and whom to contact if you’d like to participate.  All are welcome.

Evening Literature — Monday, March 10
Cultural Arts — Wednesday, March 12
Great Decisions — Thursday, March 13
Day Literature — Monday, March 17
NOSH Political Action — Wednesday, March 26

In addition to our study groups, periodic Branch Meetings often include speakers and information related to AAUW national and AAUW New York State and branch issues.

The Branch usually has a New Year’s Luncheon as a social gathering and to raise money for AAUW funds.  We also sponsor a Fellowship Luncheon, to which we invite local women students who have been awarded fellowships for higher education from AAUW National.  The fellows inform us of their past and current studies and their goals and plans for the future.  In addition, we have an Installation Luncheon in June to install and celebrate the new officers and board members.

Our programming is either in person or on zoom, depending on the program. We invite you to join us.  Please check out the Zoom link on the navigation bar above to find out how we use Zoom for our meetings and to arrange for help if you are new to Zoom or just want to know more about how it works.

For further information about membership or to find out more about our schedule of upcoming meetings, please contact our Membership VP, Julie Loven, at 516-352-0840 or jal.wtl@verizon.net.